"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it..."


I'm off again! This time to the Island of Hispaniola. I'll be spending the next 6 weeks studying at a university in Santiago, Dominican Republic and loving life in the Caribbean. As promised, I will do my best to keep you all updated on my adventures. I'd definitely love to hear from you all as well! (sadiemae319@gmail.com)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Hey everyone! I just wanted to put up a quick post to say everything is still going great. Life has been crazy-busy, between school, volunteering (which I’m just now realizing I have yet to even mention…I promise more on this soon), Lodge business (which officially kicked-off last week!!), and other responsibilities that have been piling up from back home. Luckily I have the laid-back atmosphere of Ecuador to keep me sane, but unfortunately I haven’t been as good as I should about filling you all in on what has been going on here.

I’m off to the Bellavista cloud forest today (actually in 5 minutes) and will be there through the weekend! But when I get back, I promise to get catch you all up on everything.