"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it..."


I'm off again! This time to the Island of Hispaniola. I'll be spending the next 6 weeks studying at a university in Santiago, Dominican Republic and loving life in the Caribbean. As promised, I will do my best to keep you all updated on my adventures. I'd definitely love to hear from you all as well! (sadiemae319@gmail.com)

Friday, December 28, 2007

don't worry...i'm still alive :)

hey everyone! sorry i haven't been able to write in so long...things have been really crazy. actually, they still are. i only have a minute, but i thought i'd let everyone know things are still going great! really great. i'm at father john's right now (i'm with him for the weekend...an amazing vacation away from 24/7 babies - even though i love it). i should be able to get to a computer on sunday or monday and fill everyone in on what has been going on (SOOO much since last time i wrote). i hope everyone had a great christmas!!!!


Anonymous said...

hi everyone!
sades asked me to post a quick comment to let you all know that she will probably not be able to update her blog until next weekend. it is frustrating for her because she has so much that she wants to share! her trip is going great but there is some unrest in nairobi because of a recent election and everything in downtown nairobi is closed for the time being. she is safe within her orphanage, though, and continues to absolutely love her work with the children. she begins her journey home on thursday---sades, you are in our thoughts and prayers for a safe journey home!
(sadie's mom)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Sadie!!! Be safe and hi to Fr. John from us! Hope you have a good trip home and let us all know when you are back safe and sound. Love and prayers, Aunt Kris and all the Gehrings